
Generator Installed? ✔…Time to Prepare for Soaring Heat!

Generator installed? ✔...Time to prepare for soaring heat!

Time to Read: 4 minutes

Date: April 4, 2023

You’ve installed a Generac home standby generator to deal with power outages, but what happens next? Texas has unpredictable weather, but there’s one thing that you can always count on – the summers are always hot. In fact, Texas temperatures during the spring are high before summer is even officially here. Spring may have just arrived, but summer will be here before you know it! What can you expect from the coming summer? How can you prepare for the blistering heat and what comes along with it? 

Texas Summers Mean Several Things for Texans

Everything is bigger in Texas, and that goes for the temperature too. When summer is in full swing, the heat is no joke. This is especially true when it comes to the things that come with such high temperatures.

  • Electric bills will be higher. As we witnessed last summer, high heat increases your electric bills. Now that ERCOT has added things to improve the grid, Texans are seeing increases in their power bills. Other costs such as the price of fuel to run the power generators are being placed on customers. Once the temperatures go up, so will the prices for electricity.
  • Power outages are likely. Extreme temperatures place increased demand for energy on the Texas power grid. When too much strain is placed on the power grid, the likelihood of widespread power outages increases dramatically. While changes to the Texas power grid have made this less likely, this past summer demonstrated that blackouts due to high heat are still a big problem. 

There are also local power outages that occur that have nothing to do with how healthy the grid is. A tree falling on power lines, flash flooding, and unfortunate situations like vehicles colliding with power lines can create power outages.     

  • Your air conditioner is going to have to work harder. The higher the temperature, the harder it is for your AC to maintain the temperature in your home. This, coupled with already increasing prices or electricity, will raise your electricity bill. 

    Look no further! IES Texas Solar has the solution to help keep your home cool and your electric bills low.

    Prepare Yourself for Another Hot Summer by Going Solar!

    While generators are incredible backup power solutions, installing a solar powered system with backup batteries can give you total energy independence. Having a renewable energy source that gives you long term stability while reducing your electricity bills can benefit you and your family for decades. 

    In fact, many Texans that install solar power systems will see greatly reduced electricity prices not just over the next couple of years, but for the long term. Electricity prices appear to only be increasing for the foreseeable future. Solar powered systems give Texans the ability to be both stable and comfortable no matter how hot it gets. Adding backup batteries and solar panels to your home is a fantastic idea to gain total energy independence. With a custom tailored solar power system, backup batteries, and a home standby generator creates what one customer calls “a bullet-proof” system. 

    Our Team is Ready to Design the System you Need and Have You Ready for Whatever Comes Next!

    Installing a solar power system as soon as possible is the best way to prepare for the summer heat. In fact, if you’re considering making the switch to solar, it’s important to begin your solar journey now. 

    IES Texas Solar custom builds your solar powered system for your needs. They also handle all the paperwork (permitting, permissions from the HOA and city, dealing with your utility company, etc). Their process has the best reputation in the business for a reason. Need some proof? Check out our customer testimonials and see what the proud owners of solar power systems are saying about their experience!

    So How Do You Get Started?

    What’s the next step after installing your home standby generator? Book an appointment to ask questions and get reliable information. Making the switch to a solar power system! By starting your solar journey now, you could have a complete, sustainable solar power system by the time Texas completely heats up. On top of that, you’ll also have unbeatable energy stability during flash flood season and this year’s winter. You’ll beat the heat and be ready for everything else that the unpredictable and extreme Texas weather throws your way. No matter what happens, you’ll be ready for it and IES Texas Solar will be there to help!  

    We have made it our mission to be a source of truth in renewable energy. Our team believes that accurate solar and backup power education is the foundation for making the best decision when choosing a system that fits your needs. 

    If you are considering installing a backup generator or switching to solar for your home or business, reach out to us by going to our website,, or by giving us a call at (855) 447-6527.

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