Time to read: 3 minutes
January 3, 2023
The new year brings new opportunities, goals, and other things to strive for. Some get that gym membership they’ve always thought about buying while others try and set up a new habit like journaling. But what about lowering your electric bills? Are you going to make 2023 your year by reducing or even eliminating those bills?
Make 2023 a Solar Year
In 2022, electric bills for Texans skyrocketed. With the winter season here, the price for electricity still seems to be high. Some Texans have seen their electricity bills double in size. That, coupled with the ever-changing weather and constant risk of power outages, has motivated countless Texans to install solar powered systems.

Texans are known for their self-sufficiency, and issues with electricity are no exception. By switching to a solar powered system, Texans are taking their electrical power into their own hands and establishing energy independence. A solar powered system is the perfect way to establish the energy independence that more and more Texans are embracing every day.
How Does Solar Powered Energy Make 2023 My Year?
If you’re looking for ways that solar power can make 2023 your year, then you’re in luck. Here are some incredible reasons to make the switch to a solar powered system for your home or business.
- Reduced electric bills
This is one of the best reasons to switch to a solar powered system. After installing solar panels, you can start powering your home during the day and switch over to your utility provider’s electricity at night. Better yet, you could install backup batteries and use them to power your house at night. This means that you could rely even less on your utility company, leading to way lower costs for electricity.
- Solar Buyback
One of the most unique things about having a solar powered system is that you can do what is referred to as solar buyback. This lets you sell the extra electricity your solar powered system generates back to your utility provider. Be sure to check with your utility provider on how much you can get through solar buyback, as the rate can vary between companies.
- Tax Credits
Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the federal tax credit that you could be able to claim for your solar powered system increased from 26% to 30% and will remain that way until the end of 2032. This means that you might be able to deduct 30% of the cost from your federal income taxes. The percentage will then dip to 26% in 2033 and then to 24% in 2034. This makes going solar much more affordable.
- Power outages would allow you to help others in need
One of the best things about solar powered energy is that as long as there is sunshine, you will have electricity. This is true even on cloudy days. When it’s cloudy and overcast outside, your panels will still generate electricity, just with slightly lower efficiency. Storing power in your backup batteries means that you will have power for everything you need at night. You could even install a Generac® home standby generator for maximum self-sufficiency during an outage. Be sure to work with your solar consultant to size your system correctly to suit your needs. Also, in the event of an emergency, you can help your friends, neighbors, and family by giving them shelter with confidence during any power outage.
- You can always add a backup generator, even without a solar powered system
Backup generators are a tried and true technology that simply can’t be beat when it comes to power outages. With a correctly sized generator to suit your needs, you can power your home for weeks at a time. While it’s best to have a design engineered solar powered system with backup batteries and a generator, you can install a home standby generator by itself.
2023 is Your Time to Shine
Make 2023 your year by switching over to a solar powered system. By going solar, you can say goodbye to high electricity bills and gain more energy independence. While electricity bills may become more expensive, you can enjoy more peace of mind by lowering your electricity bill. Join the rapidly growing solar community with IES Texas Solar and install a solar powered system to reduce or eliminate those electric bills!
DISCLAIMER: IES Texas Solar, as well as its employees and contractors, are not financial and/or legal advisors, nor do they operate in any capacity as financial and/or legal advisors. Please consult licensed professionals for financial and legal advice.
If you are considering switching to solar for your home or business, or if you have questions about your system, reach out to us by going to our website, iestxsolar.com, or by giving us a call at (855) 447-6527.